

Session.forkLogin(username, ticket, server, quick, requestInfo, serverUrl, sso);


username string

The user name.

ticket string

The ticket of the existing login.

server string

Name of the location to log in to. This is the name of the entry in the server list of the WWSettings.xml file.

quick boolean (Optional)

Boolean that indicates if the login to the Studio or Enterprise Server system should be performed without retrieving session information or not. Default is false.

requestInfo Array of string (Optional)

The list of request information that should be obtained with the logon. When not specified all information will be requested.

serverUrl string (Optional, since 16.3.3 and 17.0.1)

URL that provides access to the Studio Server from InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server. If the URL is not specified or empty, then the name of the server will be looked up in WWSettings.xml using the server parameter.

sso boolean (Optional, since 16.3.3 and 17.0.1)

Boolean that indicates if the login to the Studio Server system using the serverURL should be tried using the SSO protocol or not. If the serverURL is not specified or empty, then the server URL is looked up in WWSettings.xml together with the ‘sso’ attribute. The sso parameter ignored in that case. The default value is true. Note that on InDesign Server SSO is always ignored. As a consequence the sso parameter will not have any effect on InDesign Server.

Return value

The forkLogin() method does not return anything. It throws an exception in case of an error.


The forkLogin() method performs a login to the Studio or Enterprise Server system based on an existing login.


Example title

Supported versions

Adobe Version Supported

Single Sign-On

The forkLogin() scripting call does not support Single Sign-On (SSO). When running the login scripting call on InDesign Server, SSO is always ignored for SSO enabled application servers. In InDesign and InCopy, without specifying the serverUrl parameter, the forkLogin() scripting call will only work on SSO enabled application servers if the sso attribute is set to “false” for the corresponding server definition in WWSettings.xml. Since Studio for InDesign and InCopy 16.3.3 and 17.0.1: If the serverUrl parameter is provided, then the sso parameter in the scripting call should be set to “false” to login to an sso enabled Studio Server.